Landscaping project for road corridor between Neves and Centro – São Gonçalo
Urban landscaping aims at open spaces, free and circulation areas, recreation, among others. The same should contribute to making the city functional and to solving urban problems.
In this sense, they can offer various services for the urban area, such as the improvement of the microclimate, the better infiltration of rainwater and the reduction of noise and air pollution. Colors, shapes and textures influence and allow the human-nature connection.
For the development of this project, the Ecologic team initially visited all the sites targeted by the work and considered basic factors such as: local conditions, available physical space and characteristics of the species to be used for the project.
Mixing colors, shapes and textures, the best species to be used were listed, always respecting their adaptability to the planting site.
The execution of this work covered approximately 6km of urban roads in the municipality of São Gonçalo, with the afforestation and revitalization of more than 30 flowerbeds on the route between the neighborhoods of Neves and Centro, with the planting of more than 3,000 seedlings of herbaceous, shrub and arboreal.